
A quick on-line puzzle hunt. Gather one or two puzzle-loving friends around a computer for a little mini-game.

Frequently Anticipated Questions

# How many puzzles? How long will this take?
Eight puzzles plus a meta.

Some teams finish in ~40 minutes, some in ~80 minutes, some longer.
# What's the maximum team size?
There isn't one. If you gather 100 friends and finish in ten minutes, good for you.
# What do we need? How do we prepare?
A computer with an internet connection. A printer might help, especially for one puzzle. You probably want to register a team ahead of time. Solve the UI puzzle to learn the unintentional puzzle of the web site's UI.
# Is this for n00bs? I heard Octothorpean's for n00bs.
This event is for not-so-noobs. A word search's "leftover" letters may hide a secret message; this should not surprise you.
# No, really I heard Octothorpean's for n00bs.
Octothorpean contains many, many puzzles. The first "arcs" are for n00bs. But there are other arcs. This is one of those others.
# Why reveal this "arc" of puzzles if the n00b-puzzles aren't ready yet?
Call it a shakedown cruise using a nice inter-related group of puzzles.
# Is this here thing a puzzle?
This was the invitation to Lumber Party, back before Lumber Party had, in fact, started. This has an "answer;" enter it to continue on to the proper puzzles. That answer has nothing to do with these instructions. It was instead announced on the @octothorpean Twitter account July 21, 2013.


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